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Gender Diversity Survey in Haryana, Maharashtra and Rajasthan

At the instance of Marching Sheep, CMSR Consultants undertook the diagnostic study on Gender Diversity for JCB at three locations – Ballabhgarh, Jaipur and Pune. The purpose of the study was to get an insight of JCB staff as well as shop floor employees on how they perceive the journey of their organization and what steps they would like to see in order to make JCB a much better diverse and gender friendly organization. Both quantitative (online & offline) as well as qualitative methods were used for the study. Apart from this, FGDs were conducted with the women employees and In-depth Interviews with the senior officials of JCB.

Study on “Gender Analysis in Red Chilli Value Chains” in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Telangana

The study aimed to find out the current state of gender and livelihood in the supply chain of Red Chilli and determine the roadmap for further actions. The study also tried to identify the barriers to gender equality women face at individual, relationship and environmental levels including the cultural norms that factor into decision making and power structures. The study followed a mixed approach to gather information. Women farmers and their spouses engaged in red chilli value chains were interviewed using CAPI method. Besides, focus group discussions were also conducted with farmers and factory workers. The discussions followed the participatory approach to explore the key areas of enquiry across the value chains i.e. farmer’s activity profile along with the seasonal calendar of red chilli VC, household chores, challenges faced by them in maintaining a secure livelihood, etc. Key Informants Interviews (KIIs) with suppliers and other market actors in RCVC were also conducted.

Study on “Analysis and Recommendations to Improve “Gender Equality in Barley Value Chains” for CARE Consulting (USA Team)

Care Consulting had supported Ab InBev in 2018 to establish a model from which the company could further evolve its approach to gender for its better world agenda for Phase 1. The organization then planned for Phase 2 for adopting and adapting the gender transformation tools created in Phase 1 to integrate gender in Agriculture. The study focused on; mapping out roles of women in the Barley value chains; identify the barriers to gender equality women face at an individual, relationship and environmental level; recommend solutions to best capitalize on opportunities and address the challenges identified and design KPIs to measure social and commercial success and finally outline a plan for integrating recommended solutions into existing programs or create new programs. In a nutshell, the study attempted to provide an insight in making decisions on how to integrate gender into AB InBev’s agriculture programming with regard to skills building, connectivity, and financial empowerment.

Baseline Study on ‘Scope for Women Empowerment and Resilience in Red Chilli Supply Chain’ in Telangana

A baseline study in Telangana, which represents the strategy for impacting changes at the level of women’s empowerment within red chilli supply chains. The baseline study contributed to establish current status of women’s empowerment and degree of resilience in supply chains with regards to their livelihoods. The specific objective of this study was to assess and establish baseline values for key indicators related women’s empowerment and their resilience in red chilli supply chain in the state of Telangana. The study also provided a clear baseline benchmark on role of women in red chilli supply chain and the challenges they face in their lives and livelihoods.

Baseline Study of Gender Roles in Rice Value Chain in Selected Districts of Haryana

At the instance of Mars Food, CARE India undertook the Base-line Study to identify gender roles in the basmati rice value chain. It partnered with CMSR Consultants for undertaking the qualitative aspect of the proposed study. The main objective of this study was to obtain data from the field pertaining to identifying opportunities and constraints of men and women as well as farm workers which includes migrant and non-migrant households in Basmati Rice Value Chain in selected three districts of Haryana.

Baseline Study of Improved Cook Stoves (ICS) Project in Bengaluru, Karnataka

This baseline study aimed toestablish current status of the target population with respect to key indicators of project induced change. The study was done with a gender centric lens which revolves around establishing the benchmarks on poor urban women’s awareness, access and adoption status with respect to Improved Cook Stoves. The study was based on interviews, through a structured CAPI based questionnaire, of 360 households - 50% from control areas and 50% from intervention areas, with the purpose of measuring the changes in the intervention area at project completion through a repeat survey at end term stage. The sample was drawn using Population Proportionate to Size (PPS) sampling method, using the house hold list provided by CARE India.