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End-line Assessment of Project titled ‘Improving Water and Environmental Sanitation’ in Delhi

United Way Delhi was engaged in implementation of programs related to ‘Improving Water and Environmental Sanitation’ in selected government schools of Delhi. The project focused on two major aspects i.e. i) providing PORTA Toilets to schools according to their requirements and ii) sessions on behavioral change through workshops on WASH for different stakeholders i.e., School Management Committee, School staff and Students. A total of 133 PORTA toilets were installed in 14 schools, benefitting more than 10000 students in all. The various internal assessments indicated that toilets provided in schools and sessions on WASH have largely impacted the students and schools in terms sanitation practices and behavioral change. CMSR assessed the impact of the interventions at ground level which included, usage pattern, post interventions changes in terms of school infrastructure and facilities, retention, change in knowledge, attitude and practices of the students towards sanitation and hygiene practices.

Evaluation of Truckers Engagement Project – Suhana Safar

“Suhana Safar” program was funded by MAERSK and implemented by “Development Alternatives” for improving the quality of life of the containerised truck drivers through imparting training & orientation about Road safety, and WASH at Dadri and Tughlaqabad Depots. The task of conducting an “End-line evaluation” of the “Suhana Safar” program was entrusted to CMSR Consultants for learning lessons on the outcome and impact of the program. The study involved interviewing 455 Truck Drivers and Helpers, and 50 family members of the truck drivers apart from Focus Group Discussions with community members and In-depth interviews with the representatives of Trucking Associations & Companies.

Qualitative Rapid Assessment for Women + Water Project in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh

The QRA was done to undertake the ‘Cluster and SHG Mapping’ in the seven selected districts of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh to identify communities and women’s groups where W+W project can be implemented. The study envisaged identifying 20,000 functional SHGs who would be interested in participating in a life skill training program by CARE India. The outcome of the Study helped in identifying “cluster of villages” wherein women organizations are functioning, in order to plan for a Program pertaining to capacity building of women about the best practices to be adopted under “WASH” (Water, Sanitation & Hygiene). These cluster of villages would be the platform for launching the capacity building program being proposed by CARE India.